Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Visiting Simon 12th October...

Today I went to see Simon, we spoke about things I've been up to and we also discussed a new brief. Simon wants more girly images and illustrations for the shop, most of the image work he gets are from boys and are very photoshop based, there isn't much real 'illustration' in the poster range...I've started to think about 'cute'/'girly' things to produce, but I'm going to let it come from the 50's women fashion subject that I'm working on at current! One image I want to print is the repeat of lipsticks, but in fun 'girly' colours, pinks, purples and golds...I already have some drawings for this, so I'm going to do some more and then start to create the files ready for screenprint, thats all I have planned so far though...

We also discussed the wrapping paper collection he wanted to put together, but he said they just don't have the money to do it at the moment and so he said to start producing all these things, likes card, wrapping/wallpaper design and then at least they will have the design work and can leap quickly into action when the time comes and they are able to do it.

At the end of producing this body of work for Simon, he said that I could put my own work down in the exhibition space If I wanted to, so this is in the back of my mind as I work...

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