Sunday, 17 October 2010

Residency: Andrea Zapp...

When I was doing a bit of research for our residency, I thought about what we were trying to do and wondered if anyone else had done anything similar. It seems that Andrea Zapp, an
has done a project pretty similar... 'The World Is My Imagination'. Over the past decade she had been creating artworks which investigate the term of a: 'Networked Narrative Environment', to explore the digital network as a fictitious, communal and active audience space.
From our initial discussions about what we wanted to do as a group with the space, it seems that this is pretty much what are trying to do ourselves, on a lower budget and in a smaller space and time.

It's interesting because Andrea Zapps exhibition itself, 'The World Is My Imagination', was put together by Zapp, but with many contributing artists, much like the brief we have been given by SLICE - a group of student artists specialising in different practices, each producing some sort of artwork to go into/add to the space.

Andreas' outlook for the exhibition she put on was this idea of 'Analogue becoming the new Digital and her research at current tries to capture the digital and it's inherent nomadic narratives and identities in low-tech aesthetics and more decorative design approaches to establish an emotional link between audience and media art work. She describes it as the virtual space being looked at as the other place of memory, by freezing a digital moment in time and by inventing digital/analogue paraphernalia.

We are trying also, in some way to challenge this idea of 'the digital age', for instance the idea of the play-station games being there to play, the television, digital window and oven. These appliances seem to have a calming effect on people, not only because people entering our space could then be familiar with everything around them and know how to use the space, but also it showed how the world seems so absorbed and reliant on technology nowadays - to the point of how relaxed a person can be and 'understanding'. This idea of imaginary idea is also communicated through the use of the digital and projections.

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