Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Maltese Lace...

Whilst in Malta over the summer, I got very fond of Maltese lace which is famously sold in many destinations over the island. I think it's really very pretty and it made me think further about the idea of a doily, which I haven't seen in years...

Lacemaking in Malta and neighboring Gozo trace their origins back to the 16th century. Needlelace was made there as in was in Venice. This continued until the 19th century when the depression that descended upon the islands nearly led to its extinction.

One of the most recognizable traits of Maltese and Gozo lace is the creamy, honey colored, Spanish silk from which most of it is made. Black silk was also used until the 20th century when it declined in favor so is harder to find today. Later linen was also used in some pieces used for household purposes instead of clothing, as it was more durable. Maybe I should create some of my doily patterns in fabric and actually make my own doilys?

It also reminds me of the cut out pattern that I admire in Rob Ryan's work so much as well!!

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